Optical DNA Rapid Detection System for Pathogens including Covid-19, Sars, Ebola, Cholera, Salmonella, etc. (Lamppy™ Series)

At OZ Optics, we have developed a compact and reliable instrument capable of detecting pathogens at a fraction of the cost of qPCR machines. LAMPPY™ is an 8-well system with interchangeable heater blocks to accommodate a variety of dyes. It uses the principles of isothermal amplification to detect pathogen DNA, and with a melt analysis option to verify the presence of the target DNA sequence.

With the easy-to-use software, LAMPPY™ makes molecular biology accessible to anyone and opens whole new areas for applications. LAMPPY™ can be used for screening and diagnosis of infectious diseases, food and water testing for microbes, molecular biology research, forensic science, DNA research, etc.

In this video, we will demonstrate how easy it is to set up and use the LAMPPY™ DNA detection system, and how intuitive our software is. We will prepare a demonstration to show what results on the LAMPPY™ look like and how to interpret and analyze the data.

NAME OF THE DATA SHEET Revision Date Operating Instructions/ Manuals
Universal Optical DNA Rapid Detection System for Pathogens including Covid-19, Sars, Ebola, Cholera, Salmonella, etc. (Lamppy™ Series) 2023-06-07

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