Fiber Optic Gyroscopes (FOGs) are inertial sensors that can be used for navigation, control and guidance of the vehicles, satellites, robots or missiles. FOGs, essentially all gyroscopes, measure the angular rotation rate around a fixed axis with respect to an inertial space. Comparing to other types of gyroscopes, FOGs have several unique advantages. They offer high reliability, long lifetime, rapid turn-on time and no moving parts. Thanks to these superiorities, FOGs are widely used in civilian applications such as autonomous vehicles, as well as military applications such as air, naval, land and space vehicles.
OZ Optics, the world's leading supplier of fiber optic products, offers a variety of passive and active components for building FOGs. Our product range includes high-end single mode and polarization maintaining fiber optic components operating at different wavelengths, ASE light sources and fully customized fiber coils to be used in FOGs of different grades (tactical, navigation, strategic). OZ Optics also manufactures V-groove assemblies for Multifunctional Integrated Optical Chips (MIOCs), PICs and other integrated optical circuits and phase modulators, which are crucial components of fiber optic gyroscopes.
OZ Optics offers fiber optic test equipment such as polarization extinction ratio meters, fiber optic sources and optical power meters for use in the experimentation and production of FOGs.
Refer to the following data sheets for products that are used for FOG applications. Contact OZ Optics for custom designs and services. |