DSTS - Customer's Application

To process your information as quickly as possible, please ensure that the fields marked in red italics are completed before submitting your request. If this data is not entered we will be unable to respond to your request.

  Company Name:
  Company Representative Name:
  Anticipated Initial Delivery Date:
  Date Questionnaire Completed:
  Mailing Address:
1. What is your application? Please describe briefly.
2. Are you looking for a BOTDA module (requires both ends of fiber to be connected to DSTS) or a BOTDR module (requires only one end of fiber to be connected to DSTS) or a COMBO unit with both BOTDA and BOTDR functions?
3. What are your resolution and precision requirements for temperature measurements? 3a) Resolution  
3b) Precision    
4. What are the highest and lowest temperatures you expect?
5. What are your resolution and precision requirements for strain measurements? 5a) Resolution  
5b) Precision    
6. What is the maximum strain to be measured?
7. What is the desired sensing range or fiber length in this application?
8. What spatial resolution do you desire?
9. Do you want to measure temperature, strain or both?
10. What is the desired data acquisition time?
11. Do you need fiber calibration / system design / project engineering service?
12. Where will the unit be housed?
13. Do you need a portable model with a laptop computer
or a 19" rack-mounted model with a laptop computer?
14. Any additional information?

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