For Immediate Release

Optical Fiber Amplifiers for CATV Applications

DRAFT RELEASE - Version 1.0

Ottawa, Canada - May 19, 2005

OZ Optics has expanded its line of optical fiber amplifiers with its OFA-C systems, specially designed for CATV network systems, where signal distortion must be minimized. These amplifiers can be used in both single channel and WDM networks. These amplifiers feature a noise figure <4.5dB, while providing output powers from 30 mW up to 5 Watts. Amplifiers can be provided in either single or multiple output versions, with up to 16 output ports, and provide very low Composite Second Order (CSO) and Composite Triple Beat (CTB) distortion levels.

The OFA-C series of high performance, low noise and high output power amplifiers provide the perfect opportunity to build flexible CATV network systems. These amplifiers have a flexible architecture that can be customized to meet special demands with regards to electrical connections, packaging and optical characteristics. Contact an OZ Optics sales representative for more details.

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