For Immediate Release

High Brightness Entangled Photon Sources

DRAFT RELEASE – Version 1.0

Ottawa, Canada – January 27, 2023

OZ Optics Limited, a recognized leader in the field of optical quantum photonics, now offers a new line of polarization-entangled photon sources that give the highest counts and coincidence rates available in the market, distributed in either a narrow or broad spectral band. The design capitalizes on the high optical confinement within periodically poled nonlinear waveguides (PPNWs), to improve spontaneous parametric down-conversion (SPDC) efficiency. The source also takes advantage of a Sagnac all-in-fiber interferometer to establish maximum stability. These bright, stable and low-noise entangled photon sources operating at room temperature. These sources will enable users to perform quantum photonic operations at rates faster than ever.

OZ Optics specializes in custom fiber optic products tailored for your specific application. Our expert engineering sales team will partner with you to provide technical design and guidance to allow you to reach your goals.

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