For Immediate Release

Optical Power Regulator

DRAFT RELEASE - Version 1.0

Ottawa, Canada – May 27, 2021

OZ Optics Limited, a global supplier of fiber optic products for all applications, has introduced a new line of bench-top test instruments. These instruments feature premium performance, making them ideal for component and device testing. Touch screen interfaces, built-in memory and USB 2.0 communication/controls give the user the functionality to streamline and automate the measurement process, while offering unprecedented accuracy.

The Bench-top Optical Power Regulator uses an optical power monitor as feedback to control an attenuator to regulate the output power. Simple controls allow the user to enable or disable the feedback circuit, monitor the signal intensity, and control the output power through the fiber. The system can maintain output power levels constant to better than ± 0.1 dB, with millisecond response speed. The system can control power over a 50 dB dynamic range. This makes it ideal for power stabilization in DWDM networks. The unit is available not only for telecommunication wavelengths, but also for wavelengths from 400 nm to 2050 nm, and works with singlemode, polarization maintaining and multimode fibers.

For detailed specifications and additional information about these and other products, visit

Optical Power Regulator

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