For Immediate Release

Intelligent Optical Signal to Noise Ratio Generator (iOSNRG)
Ready for Data Rates up to 400G

DRAFT RELEASE - Version 1.0

Ottawa, Canada – January 30, 2019

OZ Optics' Intelligent Optical Signal-to-Noise Ratio Generator (iOSNRG) is now upgraded to meet industry needs for continuously higher speed networks including 200G and even 400G telecom coherent DWDM systems . This novel instrument is ideal for performing liability or noise impact analysis on networks for coherent long haul and for local data communication systems.

Performing noise impact analysis can be very time consuming and costly. Our bench-top unit provides a fast and simple way to enable researchers to test new ideas and prototypes. Our newly released product enables the introduction of optical noise in a highly controlled manner, allowing testing of the most advanced modern high bandwidth telecommunication systems . The instrument mixes a desired level of targeted optical flattened broadband noise with optical signals within the user designated ITU-grid channel with the user designated channel-bandwidth, to test their communication system. The upgraded design is capable of operating over a wide bandwidth range from 25G up to 400G. The instrument has a built-in tunable optical filter with the option for the user to use their own optical filter. Users are capable of tuning the filter operating wavelength over the complete C-band (ITU Grid Points) and select the desired signal bandwidth. The bandwidth is completely adjustable from 25GHz to 400GHz , with increments of 25GHz. The operation of the instrument is user-friendly and is highly automated .

  • Automatically set user designated optical signal-to-noise ratio and the user designated output optical power level controlled by our EDFA.
  • Both GPIB and Ethernet computer interfaces available for data logging and communication with the unit.
  • GUI provided to control the IOSNRG from a computer.
  • Equipped with a touch panel for operating the instrument locally.
  • Additional ports available for monitoring the ASE source spectrum and OSNR signals via an optical spectrum analyzer.
  • Both ASE source and EDFA power levels can be monitored. An ASE monitoring port on the rear panel provides 1% of the ASE source power, while the OSA port on the front panel provides 10% of the total output power.
  • External tunable filter connections are available.
Intelligent Optical Signal to Noise Ratio Generator (iOSNRG)

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