For Immediate Release

BOTDR and/or BOTDA Based Fiber Optic Distributed Strain and Temperature Sensors

FINAL RELEASE - Version 2.0

Ottawa, Canada - February 6, 2015

OZ Optics’ ForeSight™ family of fiber optic Brillouin distributed strain and temperature sensors (DSTS) are sophisticated optical sensor systems employing Brillouin scattering. Distributed sensing provides a direct method of measuring the changes in strain and temperature along the entire length of an optical fiber. A new BOTDR (Brillouin Optical Time Domain Reflectometer) module based on spontaneous Brillouin scattering is now available. This module complements our existing Brillouin Optical Time Domain Analysis (BOTDA) line of products. Even if there is a break somewhere on the fiber, this unit can still measure strain / temperature up to the point of the break. The BOTDR system is available either as a stand-alone unit, or combined in a dual BOTDA/BOTDR measurement system.

The sensor uses standard optical telecommunications fiber, thereby leveraging the enormous economies of scale from fiber optic communication networks. The new system is ideal for temperature and strain monitoring of oil & gas pipelines, bridges, dams, security fences and power lines. Brillouin sensors are excellent for detecting corrosion, buckling, down hole, micro cracks, and leakages in pipelines. It can also be used for fire detection and improve efficiency in oil refineries. For further details, including demonstration videos, visit our website,

BOTDR and/or BOTDA Based Fiber Optic Distributed Strain and Temperature Sensors

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