For Immediate Release

Polarizing Fiber Patchcords

DRAFT RELEASE - Version 1.0

Ottawa, Canada - January 24, 2005

OZ Optics now offers polarizing fiber patchcords, suitable for fiber lasers, gyroscopes, and sensors. Polarizing fibers work by transmitting light of one polarization while strongly suppressing the orthogonal polarization. Based on a new fiber geometry combining elliptical core geometries with photonic crystal technology, these fibers polarize light by over 30dB. Currently available in 1310nm and 1550nm wavelength versions, polarizing fibers can mate to standard singlemode or polarization maintaining patchcords with less than 0.5dB losses. Patchcords can be manufactured with a variety of connector styles and to any length. Contact an OZ optics sales representative for more details.

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